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Python-Ogre 1.6.x problem

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:34 am
by Niko

I have installed Windows client. It has been installed successful, but some strange problem occurs. I've installed Python-Ogre 1.6.1 at first. Demos run without any problem, but when MV3D client runs i see this:
e.g. textures aren't loaded. Then I tried to install Python-Ogre 1.1 version and then all became excelent(except of caleum sky module which is absent in original 1.1 version, but i took this module from the mv3d-0.34 binaries :-)). Also this bug occurs with 1.6 version.

So, has anyone tried to launch client with Python-OGRE 1.6.x, and how to fix this problem?

Re: Python-Ogre 1.6.x problem

PostPosted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:08 pm
by SirGolan
Hi Niko,

This is a known issue. Unfortunately, there are some incompatibilities with materials between 1.2 and 1.6. The materials hosted on the MV3D server are for 1.2. You can trick it into using 1.6 materials by copying everything from the caelum demo's media folder (c:\wherever_you_installed\PythonOgre\demos\caelum\media) into mv3d\media\caelum. I'm pretty sure that will fix it. After the next release, I'll be switching the materials on the server to the 1.6 versions.

